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About the author

Recommendations - CV - photographs

Image: AM CV 1

“Alan … was always somebody that could offer valuable advice.  His dedication to quality standards in higher education are reflected in the extremely high quality learning experiences which participants in Alan's lectures and tutorials have enjoyed over the years.”  (Stuart Moss, Principal Lecturer, Leeds Metropolitan University)

“Many of my colleagues and I are still in contact with Alan and I can honestly say that we often talk of him fondly.  His modules were always thoroughly enjoyable and informative - I owe him a lot”.  (Samantha Kelly, Jacada Travel, London)

“I met Alan when he visited the Institute of Tourism Studies in Malta with his students, during one of their educational visits to the islands.  Every year he was in Malta I had him delivering lectures to our students, as well as providing his expertise with regards to tourist guide training.  I highly recommend Alan, as I have always found him reliable and adaptable.”  (Vincent Zammit, Principal Lecturer, Malta Institute of Tourism Studies)

“There are many of Alan's lectures and tutorials that I can honestly say I will never forget.  Nothing to do with the amusing ties that Alan enjoys wearing! - but because of the passion he exudes, the encouragement he provides and the way he is able to be on a level with students making a topic ‘come alive’.  It’s been over 12 years (ahem!) since I graduated and I still enjoy Alan’s enthusiasm and am still learning from him via his blog.”  (Judith Hutchinson, CEO – Sunrise Marketing)

“Alan … was someone that all students recognised as highly passionate about the subject of tourism but also, more importantly, about the success and welfare of all students.”  (Richard Bryan, CEO – QA Research, York)

“I worked for many years with Alan and was always impressed by his knowledge of tourism and commitment to teaching.  He was always very popular with students.”  (Professor Rhodri Thomas, Leeds Metropolitan University)

“Alan has always been an enthusiastic teacher, taking time to ensure that his students benefited from his considerable industry experience as well as from his insight into different academic theories and models associated with tourism planning, marketing and management.  He retains an interest in the work of the tourism programme at Leeds Met, most recently delivering a guest seminar on challenges around tourism development and promotion in West Yorkshire”.  (Simon Woodward – Principal Lecturer, Leeds Metropolitan University)

“Alan was a very reliable, dedicated and conscientious tutor who was loved by his students.  He always put the students first and arranged many extra curricula events and field trips to enhance their education and university experiences.”  (Isabell Hodgson, Centre Leader, Hospitality and Retailing, Leeds Metropolitan University)

“I first met Alan in 1995 when I began my Tourism Management Degree at Leeds Metropolitan University.  His passion for the subject and genuine desire to help all of us succeed both academically and in life beyond made him popular with all.  Alan always had time to listen, guided us to reach our own conclusions and made learning fun through his imaginative delivery of subject matter.  I can honestly say that Alan is one the individuals who contributed most to where I am today.  Alan did not simply seek to teach his subject matter, he looked to push the boundaries of understanding and theory of tourism. The Tourism Industry in his eyes was not static, something we all came to understand under his tutelage.”  (Simon Sweet, Managing Director at Sweetway Asia, Bangkok)

“Alan’s … lectures were interesting and informative and Alan was always enthusiastic when presenting.  It was a great loss to Leeds Met when he left.  Since then I have followed Alan's frequent blogs on the tourism industry and kept up to date with my peers’ updates as Alan keeps an alumni page on his website”. (David Hatton, MSc student in Human Resources Management, University of Manchester)

“Alan … gave me the confidence and support I needed to help me to achieve a distinction in my dissertation.  He challenged me in a way that allowed me to become more assertive and driven.  His enthusiasm for travel and tourism rubbed off on me and I’m now working in Visitor Attraction Management “.  (Hannah Schumann, Business Development Manager, Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds)

Image: Build a Better Britain Exhibition c1988

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I retired in July 2009 having been a Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management at Leeds Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. 

I don't consider myself primarily as an academic, though. For eleven years I worked in local government, for four years in museum interpretation and marketing and for one very enjoyable year for a leading northern design company. Very early on I taught geography and history in a secondary school. 

Part time work (work? - just as much fun as 'work') has always been a feature: for a commercial company as a leisure breaks leader and lecturer; and as an active member of a UK society for environmental interpretation, variously treasurer, regional judge for an awards scheme, and for one year only full time administrator. I ran a tiny company producing one of the earlier environmental studies magazines for three years, a project which grew out of life as a university student. 

I keep in touch with a very large number of ex-students from the University and can be found on Facebook and Friends Reunited. 

Specialist teaching subjects were: 

Tourism Geography 
Tourism Planning 
Tourism Development 
Heritage Interpretation 
Tourism and Mass Communications 
Educational Tourism 

I was also the undergraduate dissertations co-ordinator for Tourism Management courses and residential visits organiser to Scarborough, Edinburgh, Malta and Amsterdam and co-leader of visits to Bruges; and for day visits/conferences to the Lake District, Blackpool, Manchester and Bradford 

More detailed background: 

1962-1964 Temporary Assistant Teacher, Endon Secondary School, Staffordshire 
- pre-University teaching, which has not been possible for many years. It was like serving an apprenticeship for two years and entirely invaluable. I taught geography and history and bits of all sorts of other subjects when required! I also co-led a group on a Staffordshire Youth Camp week at Teddesley Park and introduced class excursions within the region. 

1964-68 Geography and History general degree courseUniversity College of Wales, Swansea. As a student I acted as the News Editor for the University College newspaper, then as chair of the Students' Union publications board. I was responsible for introducing first some basic letterpress printing facilities for Students' Union stationery, tickets etc; and then some of the first IBM electronic typesetting systems for the newspaper and magazines produced by Union groups. 

1968-1973 Computer OperationsUniversity College of Wales, Swansea 
- shift operations management and the design of training information 

1973-1978 Head of InterpretationIronbridge Gorge Museum Trust 
- managing multiple sites, visitor staff, marketing and visitor interpretation. The Museum achieved international awards and status during this time thanks to an outstanding team and community support 

1978-1985 Tourism OfficerCalderdale Metropolitan Borough Council 
- management of a town-centre tourist attraction complex situated in a scheduled Ancient Monument and Grade 1 listed building, the Halifax Piece Hall 
- developing tourism in a West Yorkshire manufacturing community - a non-traditional destination 

1985-1989 Public Relations and Marketing OfficerCalderdale Inheritance Project [Urban Regeneration] 
- a partnership between the public, private and voluntary sectors with a pioneering national profile which involved HRH the Prince of Wales; Richard Branson, the (national) Civic Trust, Business in the Community 
- coordinating officer for the Council of Europe Heritage and Urban Regeneration Conference, Halifax, October 1988 

1990-1991 DirectorSociety for the Interpretation of Britain's Heritage 
- a short-lived project that had unfortunately been badly set up by the organising committee of the time and as a result was severely under-resourced and had no proper launch strategy.  

1991-1992 Senior ExecutiveBulmer and Glennon Ltd, Leeds [Tourism Design Division] 
- a leading commercial design company in Leeds. However in 1992 the principal directors went their separate ways. My division was on target after a year but with the splitting of the company I moved to the University...... 

1992-2009 Lecturer then Senior LecturerLeeds Metropolitan University. Some of the most rewarding years possible, even within the context of rapid changes to higher education. Please see the pages on this web site for further information! 


1969-1972 Editor, 'Fieldworker' environmental studies magazine (part-time project) for Alan Machin Associates

1976-1999 LecturerLeisure Learning Weekends, Embassy Hotels Ltd (part-time). 

1982-1985 Adult Education Lecturer, Calderdale MBC and the WEA (part-time). 

1984-1987 Regional judgeInterpret Britain Awards for the Society for the Interpretation of Britain's Heritage. Treasurer of the Society, 1980 onwards

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